Presentations & Training

We have been receiving and reviewing complaints from citizens for 50 years, and we are still available today. If your group would like to know more about the kinds of concerns we can look at and how those concerns are reviewed, consider a presentation from our office. We are available throughout Saskatchewan and can join you in person or online.

For Schools, Community Organizations and the General Public

If you are interested in hearing more about what we do, the kinds of complaints we can take, and when to contact us, please call us at 306-787-6211 or 1-800-667-9787 or email


For Public Sector Employees and Municipal Council Members

If you work for a public sector institution, such as a provincial government ministry or agency, a provincially-funded health service (such as the Saskatchewan Health Authority), or a municipality, or if you are a municipal council member and would like more information about our role or fair decision-making, you are welcome to contact us at 306-787-6211 or 1-800-667-9787. We can provide:


If you are looking for general information about what we do, the kinds of complaints we can take, and how we address them, we can provide a brief virtual presentation.


From time to time, we offer webinars for municipalities or other groups. Webinars that are coming up are posted under Training Opportunities at the bottom of this page.

Here are copies of the presentations from some of our past webinars:

Municipal Webinar April 2016: What to Expect When the Ombudsman Calls

Municipal Webinar Feb 2017: The Ombudsman’s Role in Reviewing Complaints About Municipalities

Municipal Webinar Dec 2018: Handling Complaints Under Your Code of Ethics (Additional Option: Watch recorded session )

“Fundamentals of Fairness” Workshop

Previously called the Fine Art of Fairness, this workshop for public sector employees has been updated and revised. We are currently working through a backlog of workshop requests.

Other Training Resources

If you are interested in specific training for boards and tribunals on holding hearings, decision-making and decision writing, you may be interested in the guide: Practice Essentials for Administrative Tribunals. For inquiries about training on this topic, please contact the Dispute Resolution Office at the Ministry of Justice.

Training Opportunities

Notify Me About Training

If you work for a public sector institution (such as a provincial, municipal or health organization) and would like to receive email notifications about training, send your request to