Ombudsman Wants to Hear From People Impacted by Incarceration at Pine Grove

The Saskatchewan Ombudsman is inviting those who have been incarcerated at Pine Grove Correctional Centre in Prince Albert to contact her office if they have been adversely impacted by experiences or conditions there.

“We are aware of significant concerns through complaints made to our office, and decided it is in the public interest to investigate,” said Ombudsman Sharon Pratchler.

To connect with the Ombudsman’s office, choose any of these options.

  • Call 1-844-608-1180 (toll-free) or 306-787-4236. These are dedicated lines set up for this purpose. They will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, plus Friday evenings and Saturday.
  • Go to and click on Pine Grove Complaint Form.
  • Write a letter to the Ombudsman at 500 – 2103 11th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3Z8.
  • Request an in-person meeting with the Ombudsman or a member of her team. They will travel to communities, including northern communities, to make it easier for individuals to speak with them.

The investigation will also consider to what degree trauma-informed practices and Truth and Reconciliation principles are incorporated into the treatment of individuals in the care of Pine Grove. A new position of Knowledge Keeper/Carrier and Elders’ Helper has been created at Ombudsman Saskatchewan and will begin work in early September.

The investigation timeline will depend on how many people come forward and the kinds of issues they raise.

Pratchler says a fair and impartial process and trauma-informed approaches will be applied throughout the investigation.

When the investigation is complete, the office of Ombudsman Saskatchewan will issue a public report, including any recommendations.

The last comprehensive review of custody conditions in Saskatchewan correctional centres undertaken by Ombudsman Saskatchewan was in 2002. The report, titled Locked Out is on their website.

Ombudsman Saskatchewan receives complaints from people who think they have been treated unfairly by a provincial or municipal service. The Ombudsman is a Legislative Officer operating under The Ombudsman Act, 2012.

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Media Contact: Leila Dueck, Director of Communications
Phone: 306-787-7369