Saskatchewan Has A New Ombudsman and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner
For immediate release
Today, Mary McFadyen becomes Saskatchewan’s new Ombudsman and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner. She said, “I look forward to building on the work already ongoing in both offices and I will carry out these roles in an independent and impartial manner.”
Ms. McFadyen brings a wealth of experience in public administration and ombudsman work. Her past experience includes roles as Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada; Director General, Legal Services for the Office of the Ombudsman for the Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces; and Interim Ombudsman for that office. She is originally from Saskatchewan and says she is glad to be returning home.
Of her Ombudsman role, she said, “Increases in the province’s population also means an increase in the public’s expectations of government. Part of my role will be to help ensure that those services are provided fairly.”
Of the Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner role, she said, “This is a relatively young office and it is still in the formative stages. I will work with my staff to build awareness among public servants of the role of the Commissioner and the options and protections available to them.”
Ms. McFadyen was selected as the result of a hiring and interview process conducted by the Saskatchewan Board of Internal Economy; a decision announced by the Speaker on December 3, 2013. She is the province’s sixth Ombudsman and second Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner. Staff at the office’s Regina and Saskatoon locations are looking forward to working with her.
The Ombudsman is an Officer of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan who promotes and protects fairness in the design and delivery of government services. She has the authority to take complaints from members of the public who believe the government administration has not dealt fairly with them. The office provides a range of services, including investigation (reviews), facilitated communication and early resolution . Government administration includes any ministry, branch, board, agency or commission responsible to the Crown, and any public servant in Saskatchewan.
The Ombudsman operates under The Ombudsman Act, 2012. For more information about the role of the Ombudsman or to make a complaint, visit the Ombudsman Saskatchewan website at
The Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner is an officer of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan to whom public servants can disclose a potential wrongdoing as defined by The Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA). Public servants can also disclose potential wrongdoings to a designated officer within their organization.
Reprisals received for disclosing a wrongdoing are, in themselves, considered wrongdoings and public servants who experience reprisals can also disclose this information to the Commissioner. Based on PIDA, Saskatchewan’s Ombudsman serves a dual role as the province’s Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner. For more information about PIDA, the Commissioner, or disclosing a wrongdoing, visit the PIDC website at
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Media contact:
Leila Dueck
Director of Communications
Ombudsman Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-787-7369